Chinese Medicinal Herb Garden

Shen Nung, Ruler/EmperorThe Central California Valley is not only the State's agricultural hub but a leading producer of the world's vegetables and fruits. Soon to come is the first Chinese Medicinal Herb Garden in the Central Valley. We are at the beginning stage of this project. When the time arrives, plants will be available for the public to view.

This herb garden will commemorate Ruler/Emperor Shen Nung who existed in ancient China thousands of years ago. He is considered the Divine Farmer, the legendary originator of Chinese Herbal Medicine. He is also credited as the "Discoverer of natural medicine and the first pharmacist". He was the first to go to the mountains to picked herbs and taste them, record herbs as well as categorized them into various groups. Shen Nung's classic pharmacopoeia was the first Materia Medica of natural medicine ever compiled. Ancient text also described him as the "Saint of Animal Husbandry". He taught the Chinese people how to raise domestic animals and farm crops.

Volunteers are needed for this project.